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Yoshi's Island Pod Shopper by goom, CarlSagan
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Type: Pod Shopper
Size: 2688 x 1632, 112KB
Tags: super, mario, world, nintendo
8.00 (5)
7.75 (4)
7.00 (3)
Description:7.75 (4)
7.00 (3)
Carl and I collaborated to create a pod shopper using graphics from one of our favorite games. It was designed to be very open, with lots of opportunities for fun roping. Big thanks to all the players who tested out the map!
Happy plopping!
minor edit: added map number
Added on: 13th August 2013, 06:10
Downloads: 290
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Unimaginative, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)