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Black w3w v3.0 by yuurepoer
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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1984 x 760, 70KB
Tags: carbon curved yuri
6.80 (5)
6.20 (5)
6.25 (4)
Description:6.20 (5)
6.25 (4)
A wxw map with the oval shaped corners like in the Golden roperace (#18360)
There is also a linear version (#24133) for those who like spikes and other tricks
- Spikes are more risky on this map
- The tunnels are 200 pixels wide
- The shapes allow for fast roping
Have fun and good luck!
* 97 different colors
* background: Sports
* Filesize: 70,0 KB
And like always a big thanks to the people who helped me testing this map
Added on: 9th September 2013, 22:35
Downloads: 259
Comments: 6 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)