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Blockz and Pixelz by Xrayez

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Type: Other
Size: 2296 x 1920, 57KB

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Tags: rope, jetpack, jet, chute, parachute, bungee, batt


 8.00 (1)
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Map was specially created for tus challenge.


Place 1 worm on 'S' letter (start). Move your worm towards the finish. End your run by touching either 'GG' sign or right wall.
Use only these utilities to move your worm in particular zones or blocks:
Orange blocks: rope + parachute
Blue blocks: jetpack
Green blocks: fastwalk (not necessary)
Purple blocks: bungee
Yellow blocks: parachute

How to move from zone to zone:

For instance, if your worm goes from rope zone to jetpack zone, stop roping in orange zone and go by foot (xD!) to the blue zone and start jetpacking. Same goes for Blue -> Green transition: stop jetpacking in blue zone, and go with your worm in green zone and activate Fastwalk.

If you see colored blocks inside other zones - you can use respective utility standing on those blocks or after jumping from those blocks (but only in mid-air) inside this zone. For example, if you're in bungee zone and you stand on some green block - you're allowed to use only your worm (to walk and jump) and not bungee


after you activate Fastwalk in green zone, you don't have to turn it off.

For every failed turn (loss of control) - penalty of 3 seconds (you can skip your turn without taking any penalty).
For every mis-used utility in different zone or bad transition - penalty of 3 seconds as well (for instance, accidental use of rope in parachute zone)
Less turn time ranks higher.


Added on: 18th October 2013, 21:45
Downloads: 142

Comments: 8 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 5 users.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)