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The Labyrinth by Fluttershy

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Type: Battle Race
Size: 1984 x 2824, 182KB
Tags: Fluttershy, Cave Story, Sprites

Finally! I started this map shortly after Sand Zone, but never buckled down and finished it until now. It's taken a lot of work and testing (this is at least the 30th revision of the map) but I'm glad that it's now complete.
This map is relatively long. That being said, I've also done a lot of tweaking to make portions of the map easier as I wanted it to be fun for everyone. There are still a few tricky jumps though.
The only rule this time is that you should not use grenades or mines to help you reach platforms. The map is a vertical climb, but I've included "rest" sections where you can hide your worms (to some degree). On a related note, make sure you watch where you place your worm. One fall can cost you the match!
I've also included a second finish this time. It's quite challenging to reach, but it's intentionally hard. Good luck!
I hope you enjoy the hard work I put into this map. All the jumps are possible without a loss of control except the final fall at the end (which is, of course, completely optional).
A special thanks goes to Drumstick for helping me test the map.
Have fun!
Added on: 30th November 2013, 01:27
Downloads: 417
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Elaborate, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)