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Cherry Pop by Spenner
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Type: Rope Race
Size: 7680 x 4800, 1071KB
Tags: big, first, rope, race, red
6.50 (2)
8.50 (2)
Description:8.50 (2)
This is my first worms map ever. Not a lot of planning went into it, I just sort of improvised the design as I went along. Pretty much just wanted to test the waters (if I forget to do that and then try to swim, I might plop).
There will be more to come I'm sure, probably one's much better, nicer looking, and more solid to play on. Though nonetheless, I think this is a neat first stab at map making. Enjoy~
Added on: 22nd January 2014, 03:06
Downloads: 1146
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)