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Architecture by Wirsbo
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Type: Other
Size: 2048 x 1024, 7KB
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Tags: Shopper
2.00 (1)
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8.00 (1)
Description:10.00 (1)
8.00 (1)
This is a map used with the scheme called Architect (!wsdb 4481). The rules are pretty simple. The player places his worms in the correct color corresponding to his team color. Players are not allowed to attack players before it's been 9 rounds (see the timer on Kamikaze). You can only attack the leading player/team. However, you can always attack players in your base no matter if they are leading or not, and even before it's been 9 rounds.
Build your base using girders. You cannot place girders outside of your base before sudden death. Crates with weapons will spawn sometimes. Feel free to go to other peoples bases to pick them up.
Breaking rules result in a cow, and if the player refuses to skip a round, other players can attack the cheating player untill he is eliminated. Players can ignore any rules to attack a cheating cow. That means, you can attack him before 9 rounds have passed and you can place girders in his base.
Players can also agree on different rules if needed.
(Rules may be rebalanced every now and then)
Added on: 27th September 2014, 22:00
Downloads: 99
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 1 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)