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Hotwheel's trip to the Philippines by Urben

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Type: Other
Size: 2496 x 816, 141KB
Tags: 8chan, 4chan, 2channel, Hotwheels, Anonymous, Game

I made this map for us /v/irgins on 8chan and for our based Admin Hotwheels.
He was living in Brooklyn and flew to the Philippines to do conspiracy ching-chong-stuff
with his bros of 2channel.
How might his journey continue?
also, ==REDTEXT==
Oh and this map is for Intermediate or similar schemes.
Why is there no fitting Maptype selectable?!
EDIT: Ooh found out how to edit this thing.
Ingame screenshot:
Added on: 17th November 2014, 01:03
Downloads: 274
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)