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Two Worlds by Kayz, TerRoR

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Type: Jet Pack Race
Size: 1920 x 696, 212KB
WSC file:

Tags: Jet Pack Race Dario Missions

It's long overdue to upload this map TerRoR and me made a long time ago for the NNN leagues' Jet Pack missions. :)
TerRoR created the left part, me the right part.
The scheme file attached is the task for the mission:
Fly two laps with the given amount of jet packs, while using the grenades for retreat time. (Finish on the worm sign)
Also thanks to NAiL for inspiring me with the mole tunnel, which I blatantly ripped off of your Ghostmatch-Battlerace-map :D.
Added on: 21st February 2015, 00:57
Downloads: 1002
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Sprites. (complain/suggest)