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Mirror Tower 2 Bad by bock, xuliz

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Type: Tower Race
Size: 4000 x 30000, 1963KB
WSC file:

Tags: bad, roh, bleh, meh, mah, doit

Sup, i wont finish this tower ever i guess - just got annoyed with it to much.
If anyone wants to remix / finish it then go for it.
Only putting it up here because i feel bad about all the time i put into it without actually finishing it.
If anyone is interesstet heres the playlist for when streamed the making of the tower map. Its several hours in total b/c i took the streams from twitch and put them directly on YT.
click me for playlist
Added on: 17th July 2015, 11:38
Downloads: 466
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)