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The Divergent Racer by sbs

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5 very popular factions are involved, each one represented by a single virtue.
They are good at running using their particular skills, mastering and under the banner of 1 distinctive element.
They are known as: 1) "Jet Freak Flyers", 2) "Ropers", 3) "Bungee Masters", 4) "Parachutists", or 5) "Sheepers".

But someone once said: "I don't want to be just one thing. I can't be."
♥ ♥ ♥ She ♥ ♥ ♥
It faced this "Pentagon of Death" and gloriously has overcome its 5 trials.
"The Divergent Racer" was born, beyond any single faction; the story is different from that moment on.

• Scheme viewer:

• Help: enable the "RacingStuff" version if you dislike blocking (/rs, /race, /racing, /racestuff, or /racingstuff).

________,,____________________/|__THE DIVERGENT RACER__|\____________________,,________

Están involucradas 5 facciones muy populares, cada una representada por una única virtud.
Son buenos en carrera utilizando sus destrezas particulares, dominando y bajo el estandarte de 1 elemento distintivo.
Se les conoce como: 1) "Locos del Jet", 2) "Ropers", 3) "Maestros del Bungee", 4) "Paracaidistas", o 5) "Sheepers".

Pero una vez alguien dijo: "No quiero ser una sola cosa. No puedo serlo".
♥ ♥ ♥ Ella ♥ ♥ ♥
Se enfrentó a este "Pentágono de la Muerte" y gloriosamente superó sus 5 pruebas.
Nació "El Corredor Divergente", más allá de una única facción; a partir de ese momento la historia es diferente.

• Vista del esquema:

• Ayuda: activar la versión "RacingStuff" si te disgustan los bloqueos (/rs, /race, /racing, /racestuff, o /racingstuff).

Added on: 4th November 2015, 21:54
Downloads: 311

Comments: 3 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)