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Worms Battle 2016 by TheMadCharles, HenZoid93

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"Well, this is a long time in the making and I feel it is about time I put this to bed and shared with everyone my Worms art. I have been creating this Worms Battle for the past 4 years+ years. Not 4 years none stop, of course, its taken so long due to my laptop breaking down some time ago and various other reasons that held me back from completing my work and sharing it with you all. Another reason is that for a long time I just felt the need to do more and more!
When I would work on it I would just stretch the length of the image and fill in all the areas with more and more detail. But now its got to that point where I feel l should just call it a day and share it.
In the comments, I will also share 2 other stages of how far this image has come and you can compare it to how it looks today!
You will find many references to various TV shows, films and other video games, have a good look!
Everything in the image I drew myself in Paint apart from the spectators at the top, the mud terrain and both the shark and shipwreck in the sea.
Be sure to have a good look at all the little details or I will guarantee you will miss something! Don't forget to click the image on the link so you can view it up close! :)
So here it is. Enjoy and would love to hear some feedback! :)"
- HenZoid93 on Worms Guild

I have received permission to turn this image to a real map if anyone's asking

Added on: 6th November 2016, 16:38
Downloads: 643

Comments: 2 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 7 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Elaborate. (complain/suggest)