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Jet-Kune-Do by sbs

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Tags: JKD, Bruce Lee, Hand to Hand


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๑ Back in the '50s, on the slopes of Hong Kong, a martial arts legend, Bruce Lee, started his training. In his homage, this map portrays one of those locations and it will serve as the setting for several "Jet-Kune-Do" lessons, a style of his own invention.

๑ With his permission, some more weapons have been added in form of crates in favor of variety and, mainly, the use of the Jet to at least try to match his incredible speed of movements. For this reason, it's also considered appropriate that the turn time will be fast, about 5 seconds, enough to wipe someone out at a single swipe.

๑ There are no rules of combat, he himself was against these.

๑ There is room for 38 worms beating each other to death. Distribute them at will, to an equal or lesser amount, creating separate teams or alliances.

๑ There are usually tsunamis in the area, be alert to the Gong sound at sudden death.

신◈기◈今天◈ Jet-Kune-Do ◈동방◈기◈天

๑ Allá por los años '50, en las laderas de Hong-Kong, comenzaba a entrenar una leyenda de las artes marciales: Bruce Lee. A modo de homenaje, este mapa retrata uno de esos paraderos y servirá como escenario de varias lecciones de "Jeet-Kune-Do", estilo que él mismo inventó.

๑ Con su permiso, han sido agregadas algunas armas más en forma de cajas en pro de la variedad y, principalmente, el uso del Jet para al menos intentar igualar su increíble velocidad de movimientos. Por tal razón, se considera apropiado que el tiempo de turno sea rápido, unos 5 segundos, suficientes para liquidar a alguien de un solo golpe.

๑ No hay reglas de combate, él mismo estaba en contra de estas.

๑ Hay espacio para que 38 worms se maten a palos. Distribuirlos a voluntad, en igual o menor cantidad, creando equipos separados o alianzas.

๑ Suele haber tsunamis en la zona, estar alerta al sonido del Gong en la muerte súbita.

Added on: 11th July 2017, 21:04
Downloads: 488

Comments: 2 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 6 users.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)