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"Bricks" RubberMole map by BlackSun

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Type: Mole Shopper
Size: 2000 x 3000, 805KB
WSC file:

Tags: rubber, mole, bigmap

Bricks. 70 custom holes.
Second version, striped background is replaced with concrete texture.
Reduced the filesize.
Quickfix: black colour is now black again.
3rd version. Replaced concrete with smaller bricks. Fixed palette colors order.
in the lobby, type:
!host mole "RubberMole /tellv"
(any title in the quotes, better if you leave Rubber in it)
in the game:
!wmdb 32890
!worms 8
Hf and don't forget to ask /tellv for new players, non-rubber noops may cause hostingbuddy to drop all players at once. Happens many times..
UPD: 3.8 scheme update (richuk)
Added on: 5th February 2018, 02:41
Downloads: 234
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Sprites. (complain/suggest)