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Hazard CTF (IndiMask) by FatassNeckbeard

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Type: Other
Size: 2560 x 960, 100KB
Tags: IndiMask

CTF map, 4 worms per side
The castle and flag walls are set to be tough, you can only destroy them with dynamite and other strong weapons. The map is made so you have to choose wisely when to use the stronger weapons in your arsenal. You might want to quickly punch a hole through the flag barrier, or sink several worms inside the castle at the same time. Maybe you have more ideas.
The overall layout of the map is intended to make players come up with different strategies to take over the enemy's side, and to force them to use utility like girders and similar, especially if things get nasty and bridges are blown up. Be careful around gaps :)
Shoutouts to XanKriegor for helping out with finding flaws in the map and for providing IndiMask logo (I had no idea this was a thing).
Additional info:
- I made this somewhere in 2017 across many weeks I think (wtf it's been a while)
- This map was made in Terraria using a complex setup
- Editing this map to make it compatible with IndiMask was hell
- I suck at graphics so Terraria was kind of a crutch for me but it worked so huoaehuioiaheoho
- Lettuce is good for me and you it's good for everyone
Added on: 4th January 2019, 16:56
Downloads: 298
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)