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Adventure Time Mix Shopper (90 secs) by ClaireKonatsu

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Type: Surf Shopper
Size: 4400 x 1600, 715KB
Tags: long fly, long surf, w4w, adventure time
Adventure Time Mix Shopper (Surf Scheme). Here you must use the launch devices to perform a valid long fly and surf, anchorage points are suggested in red dots, use them in order to have a better chance of success. 60 seconds recommended for Surf+Fly, 90 seconds recommended for Surf+Fly+Walls. Map and mechanics by Claire Konatsu.
Added on: 29th March 2019, 19:08
Downloads: 85
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Features: Unreviewed.