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Knockers #0 by SIBASA

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Type: Other
Size: 1504 x 752, 17KB

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Tags: Knockers



Scheme for this map:

Every team places worm on one side of the map containing 2 walls with ledges in the wall which are divided by water and mirrored.
- 1 worms per team

Use the ninja rope to bounce off your wall and knock down the enemy worm.
- You cannot catch the rope on the roof and on the enemy wall.

Antisink enabled.
After you have been knocked, you must change your position. You have a jetpack to change positions on your wall.
Optionally, you can use low gravity and a drill.

The first player to complete the required number of enemy worm knocks wins this game.
The number of knocks required to win is agreed between the players prior to the game.
The number of knocked worms is tracked using chat messages.
However, the winner may have had the advantage of an extra turn, due to turn order. In this case, another player, one point behind, is allowed one more move, and if he equalizes the game, the game continues until the winner is determined.


Added on: 12th October 2021, 18:07
Downloads: 42

Comments: 1 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)