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Goku Battle Arena by pavlepavle, Tomt

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Type: Other
Size: 2000 x 2000, 73KB
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Tags: Goku battle arena, goku, gba

Goku Battle Arena or GBA is a RubberWorm scheme in which the core weapon is Dragon Ball, being possible to attack multiple times with the energy balls due to the multishot feature and the lower gravity that increases the amplitude of the jumps. There are some few other unlimited weapons such as the Jet Pack with only 5 fuel and the Parachute, all being useful to navigate through the map with better precision. There is also infinite Pneumatic Drill that may sometimes be a better choice to plop enemy worms, or to change the direction the worm is facing in mid-air. The battle concept is about throwing the opponent's worms outside the arena (drowning them), or dealing damage to them, even though the inicial health is high and there are several Health Crates that cure 35 HP each. The scheme should be played with 150% speed (Game Engine Speed row on "Gameplay 1" section in extended game options) and has 40 seconds of turn time.
This map is made by Tomt.
More about Goku on this link
Added on: 10th May 2022, 11:55
Downloads: 45
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)