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The High Monastery by Baldoro

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Type: Shopper
Size: 1600 x 1600, 116KB

Tags: high, monastery, high monastery, big, shopper



HUGE UPDATE 21.08.2024:
-Renamed the map from "Sewers" to "The High Monastery"
-Increased the width of the map from 1240 to 1600.
-Changed the visual style of the whole map.
-Reduced the number of possible "free" plops on start of the game.
-Added 3 new areas and a number of hides.

Update 23.08.2024:
-Made the left tower wider.
-Opened a few passages.
-Made the map generally easier to play and not as good looking. I hate it now!
But you will probably like it more :)

Added on: 18th January 2023, 23:12
Downloads: 243

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: Sprites. (complain/suggest)