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Baby RR by DeeKay

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 7560 x 6664, 401KB



The 'Baby RR' featuring in my second RR & SSR map - 90 times bigger, with 10 (!) different colours. Hasn't been tested because it's too damn big, so if you've found any bugs, consider yourself a cool person (like y'know when you find shortcuts in these high difficulty TCB maps and you're like 'OMGF i pwnz with no hax!' and the mods think you're smart enough to get away with it and then you go online and like 'did u check my replay ? :DD' and then they 'Very nice' and you go number two all over the floor and then your dad comes in into your room and he's all like WTF and forces your mum to clean it up and then she goes 'WUT WUT WUUUT??? ME?!' and then you hear a police car siren coming out the window and then D0R1TOOOS bakes DORITOS toasted corn DORITOS taco DORITOS picante DORITOS light nacho D O O R iiii T O S... You get the point).

Added on: 31st December 2007, 20:40
Downloads: 1952

Comments: 7 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)

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