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Castle of Siege 2 of 2 by Enlil
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Type: Fort
Size: 3360 x 2256, 588KB
This is a special map for short range or medieval scheme.
This is a new scheme, Siege!! Its similar Forts. Team 1 allowed in castle, and Team 2 siege it from islands. 1 VS 1: TEAM ONE 4 worms TEAM TWO 6 worms. 1 VS 3: TEAM ONE 4 worms TEAM TWO 3 worms FOR PLAYER 2 VS 4: TEAM ONE 4 worms FOR PLAYER, TEAM TWO 3 worms FOR PLAYER. U can play with any Forts scheme, or Siege Medieval Scheme (Only Arc and Axe) DOWNLOAD: or Siege Short Range, a good scheme for this. DOWNLOAD: Have fun!! :)
Added on: 2nd June 2008, 18:24
Downloads: 777
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Features: None. (complain/suggest)