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Snake Tower by kuvasz

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Type: Walk for Weapons
Size: 1920 x 696, 85KB
WSC file:

Tags: mega, man, green, cloud
This is an incomplete map I will not finish. It is uploaded for whoever wishes to test it.
This is an adaptation of Snake Man's level from Megaman III. The level was designed to be open and fast-paced, and it was designed very carefully, so keep an eye out for neat solutions ;)
- 105 colours
- island type
- cannot initially teleport on a weapon block or an island
- can only teleport to a teleport block
- cannot teleport to the wildcard block
Suggested penalty is a skip turn.
Scheme file to be used is attached.
Programs used:
- VirtuaNES with Megaman III ROM
- Adobe Photoshop CS3
Version 1.0 will be released after feedback and extensive online testing.
Have fun :)
Added on: 22nd May 2009, 11:58
Downloads: 326
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Worth: 0 EXP
Features: Private. (complain/suggest)