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Jetpack S by kuvasz

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Type: Walk for Weapons
Size: 800 x 680, 13KB

Tags: window, small



This is a port of the game Jetpack, as it appears when I play it. The only thing I changed are the window size to allow for better weapon use, and the plop holes. I built the map in-game and only used Photoshop to skin the weapon boxes, reduce the HUD, and make the above changes.

The map features all the standard WFW weapons separately, and each only once. Due to this and the size of the map gameplay tends to be fast-paced and over sooner than most WFW games :p

For a more challenging game, set the scheme to:
- 15 second rounds, no hot-seat time
- 1 or 2 random mines

- 97 colours
- island type
- Dungeon background

Programs used:
- DosBox 0.72
- Jetpack 1.5
- Adobe Photoshop CS3

Enjoy :)

Added on: 3rd August 2009, 10:16
Downloads: 228

Comments: 4 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)