Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
BigBoaz's latest posts
23rd October 2010, 12:39
Like hysteria on steriods!
Like hysteria on steriods!
22nd October 2010, 13:40
I like the remix x)
I like the remix x)
20th October 2010, 21:03
Abit right to the chimney at the edge above the fence there is a error on the roof tiles.
Abit right to the chimney at the edge above the fence there is a error on the roof tiles.
20th October 2010, 18:23
When you start making maps you should train your self at making layouts and original ideas not taking other maps and changing the colors.
When you start making maps you should train your self at making layouts and original ideas not taking other maps and changing the colors.
20th October 2010, 17:37
This new next-gen touch seems to make my eyes hurt.
This new next-gen touch seems to make my eyes hurt.
20th October 2010, 17:39
There is just somthing about this remix :P
There is just somthing about this remix :P
20th October 2010, 17:03
Cool! you made a new one. Its really good! I love this scheme ;)
Cool! you made a new one. Its really good! I love this scheme ;)
11th October 2010, 07:00
The texture is kinda wierd, and the text is really hard to read beacuse its like all idk.. But i do like the layout :P
The texture is kinda wierd, and the text is really hard to read beacuse its like all idk.. But i do like the layout :P
9th October 2010, 19:51
I Will not tolerate your ignorince.
I Will not tolerate your ignorince.