Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
D1KSQu4D's latest posts
5th March 2008, 16:48
those were your gun sprites Gnork? sry..there good btw
those were your gun sprites Gnork? sry..there good btw
28th February 2008, 22:24 :) :)
28th February 2008, 18:25
we both have a Tetris one hehe.. i downloaded yours btw :)..u get on AG much?
we both have a Tetris one hehe.. i downloaded yours btw :)..u get on AG much?
27th February 2008, 17:37
why arn't the worms touching the ground?
why arn't the worms touching the ground?
19th February 2008, 17:27
why is this map on here 2 times stewie? in shout box tell them to delete the older one
why is this map on here 2 times stewie? in shout box tell them to delete the older one
18th February 2008, 19:42
sweet u get on worm net much?
sweet u get on worm net much?
17th February 2008, 03:19
its not a tunnel... it a pic of wood :)
its not a tunnel... it a pic of wood :)

6th February 2008, 04:32
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvn 1 :)
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvn 1 :)
3rd February 2008, 17:00
put some walls on this map plz
put some walls on this map plz
31st January 2008, 18:40
i fixed some things from my other one.. this one looks better and plays better :)
i fixed some things from my other one.. this one looks better and plays better :)