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Djoszee's latest posts
6th July 2005, 15:16
tx =)
tx =)
2nd July 2005, 16:50
wow, piglet browsing wmdb :D
wow, piglet browsing wmdb :D
26th June 2005, 23:36
this looks like it;s not done yet, add some more objects
this looks like it;s not done yet, add some more objects
15th June 2005, 15:50
Ikownmeer :P
Ikownmeer :P
11th June 2005, 21:51
haha, i knew it :D
haha, i knew it :D
Downloads: 21763
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Tight, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Tight, Themed, Sprites
8th June 2005, 21:12
hmm i seem to have missed this one *downloads*
hmm i seem to have missed this one *downloads*
5th June 2005, 13:22
i like this 1 better then the other one, which is too open
i like this 1 better then the other one, which is too open
5th June 2005, 13:21
could do with some colors :)
could do with some colors :)