Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
Fire-Lord's latest posts
7th January 2011, 09:41
no profile ;)
no profile ;)
5th January 2011, 11:50
4th January 2011, 18:01
Just sayin' ;).
Just sayin' ;).
2nd January 2011, 12:56
"to show that you are pro" Oh well, fun isn't enough ? x)
"to show that you are pro" Oh well, fun isn't enough ? x)

24th December 2010, 17:34
One thing : it seems to work fine with .31 if you set the crate probability of Select Worm to 65 (-> teststuff3) in your scheme.
One thing : it seems to work fine with .31 if you set the crate probability of Select Worm to 65 (-> teststuff3) in your scheme.
Downloads: 3350
Comments: 25 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 25 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites

23rd December 2010, 19:22
HB downloads only once ;). Terrifically good map. edit: err, no it doesn't... x)
HB downloads only once ;). Terrifically good map. edit: err, no it doesn't... x)
23rd December 2010, 15:30
21st December 2010, 19:04
assrain doesn't tell things, assrain speaks the only truth.
assrain doesn't tell things, assrain speaks the only truth.
20th December 2010, 13:56
At last it get some good tags :). Good job Sassen, your are improving your style on each map you do. I like those custom sprited scenes a lot, though some objects are still stick together in a stra...
At last it get some good tags :). Good job Sassen, your are improving your style on each map you do. I like those custom sprited scenes a lot, though some objects are still stick together in a stra...
24th December 2010, 17:16
Can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait ! Can't wait !
Can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait ! Can't wait !