Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
Kism's latest posts
18th April 2010, 22:20
Nice map froma nice guy :)!
Nice map froma nice guy :)!
28th February 2008, 02:09
Shit xD!
Shit xD!
19th February 2008, 15:24
#1756 Another remake :S! You have no own idea???
#1756 Another remake :S! You have no own idea???
19th February 2008, 15:15
another remake :/
another remake :/

6th February 2008, 14:29
Good Job! Fasza map lett!
Good Job! Fasza map lett!
29th January 2008, 12:47
Good job dude! Very nice map, i must try it now :)!
Good job dude! Very nice map, i must try it now :)!

20th January 2008, 15:38
n map :D! 7 hour.....n time ;) :*
n map :D! 7 hour.....n time ;) :*
19th January 2008, 12:30
Mintha már toltam volna rajta :D
Mintha már toltam volna rajta :D
19th January 2008, 12:29
Szerintem fasza a map :D
Szerintem fasza a map :D
17th January 2008, 14:57
Kurva jó map lett sztem! Minnyá kipróbálom :D!
Kurva jó map lett sztem! Minnyá kipróbálom :D!