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Rioter's latest posts
17th January 2008, 01:15
Sprites are well used, lot of variety. Those dots may get in my way, but the graphics are "lush" mate. Keep goin
Sprites are well used, lot of variety. Those dots may get in my way, but the graphics are "lush" mate. Keep goin
3rd January 2008, 23:53
wow, nice map from you. Hours of fun moreorless guaranteed
wow, nice map from you. Hours of fun moreorless guaranteed
3rd January 2008, 23:50
now now good map btw
now now good map btw
3rd January 2008, 23:48
nicely done
nicely done
3rd January 2008, 23:45
WHY is everyone copying my idea! (C) R1ot3r, All Rights Reserved - you may make a variation, but put mah credits in!
WHY is everyone copying my idea! (C) R1ot3r, All Rights Reserved - you may make a variation, but put mah credits in!
3rd January 2008, 23:43
like it ^^
like it ^^
10th November 2007, 22:13
thanks for the comments. May well do another binary map, with different colours. look out
thanks for the comments. May well do another binary map, with different colours. look out

10th November 2007, 14:22
me likes. Weapons placed well, looks good, should be fun to play with
me likes. Weapons placed well, looks good, should be fun to play with
10th November 2007, 12:01
I like it. Really nice, and "so cute"
I like it. Really nice, and "so cute"