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Riviva's latest posts
30th September 2012, 08:48
Now is cool? #21649 !WMDB Numbers: WxW Simple Maps: From - 21700 To - 21719 ( !wmdb 21700 - 1 map nr. !wmdb 21701 - 2 map nr. !wmdb 21702 - 3 map nr. !wmdb 21703 - 4 map nr. !wmdb 21704 - 5 ma...
Now is cool? #21649 !WMDB Numbers: WxW Simple Maps: From - 21700 To - 21719 ( !wmdb 21700 - 1 map nr. !wmdb 21701 - 2 map nr. !wmdb 21702 - 3 map nr. !wmdb 21703 - 4 map nr. !wmdb 21704 - 5 ma...
Downloads: 180
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Remix, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Sprites
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Remix, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Sprites
28th September 2012, 14:07
I see here remix ... From #6666 map
I see here remix ... From #6666 map
28th September 2012, 13:26
This is not plagiarism!!! All the tricks I alone invented and arranged. Don't worry Bonus he just jealous!
This is not plagiarism!!! All the tricks I alone invented and arranged. Don't worry Bonus he just jealous!