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Wyvern's latest posts
9th February 2015, 16:26
Cheers, man. :)
Cheers, man. :)

12th November 2012, 09:48
Hey! Cheers for the featuring and all that! I appreciate the appreciation :) Agassi: I'm not on WormNet because I don't really play Worms anymore. Launched the game maybe 5 or 6 times this...
Hey! Cheers for the featuring and all that! I appreciate the appreciation :) Agassi: I'm not on WormNet because I don't really play Worms anymore. Launched the game maybe 5 or 6 times this...
12th November 2012, 09:49
Yeah, I remember our BR map making times well, haha. Good stuff.
Yeah, I remember our BR map making times well, haha. Good stuff.
31st August 2009, 16:18
Awesome stuff, quite a fresh parachute race with a fun layout and a slick design. I'm sold!
Awesome stuff, quite a fresh parachute race with a fun layout and a slick design. I'm sold!
Downloads: 1292
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites

3rd August 2009, 21:01
Some maps simply look better with the background disabled - this one is definitely among them. :) Good job either way!
Some maps simply look better with the background disabled - this one is definitely among them. :) Good job either way!
23rd July 2009, 22:51
Hmm, this map is anything but elaborate, if I may voice my opinion...
Hmm, this map is anything but elaborate, if I may voice my opinion...
Downloads: 2925
Comments: 17 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 17 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites

22nd July 2009, 19:15
I LOVE YOU! I will test this as soon as I can. Wonderful!
I LOVE YOU! I will test this as soon as I can. Wonderful!
30th June 2009, 17:05
Dude, don't stop making these, I really enjoy them. :)
Dude, don't stop making these, I really enjoy them. :)