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breedybag's latest posts

Downloads: 2082
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: None

19th November 2007, 01:07

Hey, cool you updated it =] The map plays alot better now with the hides and the smaller plop down the bottom (although I did like the pixel in the original one :P ) The texture also looks alot bet...
Downloads: 2078
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: None

18th November 2007, 17:46

I really like the layout, simply because its perfectly playable and the hides/holes are nicely distributed and designed. All the map might need are some better graphics, but otherwise gj =]
Downloads: 1979
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Features: None

17th November 2007, 17:12

Looking cool Sham - I'll try this one out as soon as I have time =]
Downloads: 5219
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Features: Original

15th November 2007, 14:29

I love the design and the fact that there are so many hides in the walls. It's a bit hard to notice that the bottom two walls are supposed to be walls, especially with the dynamic colours all over...
Downloads: 2005
Comments: 12 (read/write)
Features: Original, Themed, Sprites

15th November 2007, 01:23

Stealth, these two maps are the best examples of well-employed sprite work I have ever seen in a WA map. _Perfect_ use of non-standard sized maps, and at the same time you have stayed loyal to the...
Downloads: 2274
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: Themed

13th November 2007, 19:04

Good job pnke, linear layout as usual (at least it has a nice arch xD), but nice texture work! Possibly the "straight" texture behind the stalactites could be improved/removed, but it's hardly noti...
Downloads: 7799
Comments: 8 (read/write)
Features: Original

12th November 2007, 12:53

I do agree with VickeX, however I think you have done an excellent job of sticking to a color scheme (a nice one even!) and the design is very interesting with the use of two levels. I like it - g...
Downloads: 1196
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: Themed, Sprites

12th November 2007, 12:39

Nice sprite-work here, and a nice layout too - the only point of criticism I can think of at the moment is that the soil-texture could use a tiny bit of perfecting, e.g. some beveling, bordering or...
Downloads: 472
Comments: 12 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics

14th November 2007, 17:24

Thx guys I really appreciate that =] Don't worry, I'll continue the series as soon as I'm done with my SEVEN university deadlines.
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