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c0o1's latest posts
7th September 2004, 19:04
"Its pink, and its a roper... ok?" and I like it. :)
"Its pink, and its a roper... ok?" and I like it. :)
20th August 2004, 05:35
awesome texture, and very nice white border. Nice quality map.
awesome texture, and very nice white border. Nice quality map.
11th August 2004, 18:30
On 11 August 2004 Anonymous (hidden) wrote: FU i was gonna do this! btw greatest game EVAR ######################- lol @ hidden ip
On 11 August 2004 Anonymous (hidden) wrote: FU i was gonna do this! btw greatest game EVAR ######################- lol @ hidden ip
27th July 2004, 23:14
Well, I tryed to balance it. The map itself.. It's too easy, and doesn't have a lot of hides, so that's why I made those edges.. yeah to make you loose time.
Well, I tryed to balance it. The map itself.. It's too easy, and doesn't have a lot of hides, so that's why I made those edges.. yeah to make you loose time.
25th July 2004, 07:38
I tought it was supposed to look like Crystal?
I tought it was supposed to look like Crystal?
30th August 2004, 15:52
Thank you lots, Lyrikid, :)
Thank you lots, Lyrikid, :)
29th June 2004, 01:20
Whoa, It looks like my Fort
Whoa, It looks like my Fort
13th June 2004, 22:42
Very nice job, I think that this map is really good if you want to warmup. It is fun and has a lot of good curves, nice design.
Very nice job, I think that this map is really good if you want to warmup. It is fun and has a lot of good curves, nice design.
6th June 2004, 10:46
No Problem, aliceInChains, but I think that you should really consider a different way to manage the statics
No Problem, aliceInChains, but I think that you should really consider a different way to manage the statics