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chovas's latest posts
16th October 2010, 13:35
Looks nice...only it needed to have more space to rope fast...But the graphics are great
Looks nice...only it needed to have more space to rope fast...But the graphics are great
15th October 2010, 21:26
this classic map on wmdb now... thumbs up to the uploader ;)
this classic map on wmdb now... thumbs up to the uploader ;)
15th October 2010, 15:21
And Im better than you both... because I dont have any maps posted but still someone favors me xDD
And Im better than you both... because I dont have any maps posted but still someone favors me xDD
11th October 2010, 18:00
...typical scarface cool rr...more correct now... ;P
...typical scarface cool rr...more correct now... ;P
11th October 2010, 17:56
Ty for this one dude...Looks very nice!
Ty for this one dude...Looks very nice!
10th October 2010, 14:42
I like the icey pattern! Worths the 1.8mb.. hehe
I like the icey pattern! Worths the 1.8mb.. hehe
9th October 2010, 18:09
Wow! This one looks so nice! Looking forward to play it...And yes, a rat replay would be very helpful ^^ Thumbs up for this one dude ;)
Wow! This one looks so nice! Looking forward to play it...And yes, a rat replay would be very helpful ^^ Thumbs up for this one dude ;)
9th October 2010, 23:44
Omg you are crazy!! Plan B, I 'll count koalas to fall asleep... I mean what can a pissed off koala do after all...hug you?? ^^
Omg you are crazy!! Plan B, I 'll count koalas to fall asleep... I mean what can a pissed off koala do after all...hug you?? ^^
5th October 2010, 15:36
This can work for online too. If there are only 2 people to play and want better challenge they can put sudden death lets say one minute and put some extra "skip-go" teams on the top. So ...
This can work for online too. If there are only 2 people to play and want better challenge they can put sudden death lets say one minute and put some extra "skip-go" teams on the top. So ...
30th September 2010, 19:36
And gj scar mate for this one too.. You know that like kuvasz i like too wxw-ish
And gj scar mate for this one too.. You know that like kuvasz i like too wxw-ish