Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
doben's latest posts
9th May 2010, 02:51
oh my.
oh my.
21st April 2010, 10:39
das kriegen vielleicht 2 von 100 spielern hin, das is dir bewusst?
das kriegen vielleicht 2 von 100 spielern hin, das is dir bewusst?
21st April 2010, 10:37
obviously you didnt try to play it. there are several huge dark grey areas around the flags from clumsy pasting.
obviously you didnt try to play it. there are several huge dark grey areas around the flags from clumsy pasting.
Downloads: 469
Comments: 17 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 17 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
17th April 2010, 19:23
<3 the horse!
<3 the horse!
14th April 2010, 23:16
also, if the map is made for milka, but she wasn't heavily involved in actually creating it, why is she listed as an author? :)
also, if the map is made for milka, but she wasn't heavily involved in actually creating it, why is she listed as an author? :)
6th April 2010, 22:11
65, since the black is included in that palette.
65, since the black is included in that palette.
6th April 2010, 00:30
macht euch mal einen account, dann könntet ihr eure maps auch einfach editieren und updates hochladen, ohne direkt eine neue map hochzuladen. und wenn eine map von einem mod auf private gesetzt wi...
macht euch mal einen account, dann könntet ihr eure maps auch einfach editieren und updates hochladen, ohne direkt eine neue map hochzuladen. und wenn eine map von einem mod auf private gesetzt wi...
5th April 2010, 21:03
"that grammer means..." i don't like to take sides here, but...boaz, give it a break, seriously. especially since you're the last one to complain about the wrong use of a language...
"that grammer means..." i don't like to take sides here, but...boaz, give it a break, seriously. especially since you're the last one to complain about the wrong use of a language...
5th April 2010, 21:44
of course not, i'm just giving some feedback :)
of course not, i'm just giving some feedback :)
5th April 2010, 10:58
let's all jump on that train now, haha, no matter what, let' exploit the concept, snakey-techy, why not -.-'
let's all jump on that train now, haha, no matter what, let' exploit the concept, snakey-techy, why not -.-'