Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
ky's latest posts
25th January 2016, 07:41
nice one! thanks for this one!
nice one! thanks for this one!
11th January 2016, 17:46
like it - thx for this one!
like it - thx for this one!
10th January 2016, 18:14
2016 - not a bad play - thx for this one! :D
2016 - not a bad play - thx for this one! :D
10th January 2016, 13:38
not a bad one. thx for this one!
not a bad one. thx for this one!
1st January 2016, 09:48
thx for the map, happy new years to all
thx for the map, happy new years to all
21st December 2015, 15:40
Cool map - Chill colors, angles aren't bad at all imho. Thanks for this one!
Cool map - Chill colors, angles aren't bad at all imho. Thanks for this one!
20th December 2015, 02:43
Hey, here's some positive feedback from late 2015! Cool map - nice variation from the more conventional big rr's. Thanks for this one!
Hey, here's some positive feedback from late 2015! Cool map - nice variation from the more conventional big rr's. Thanks for this one!
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