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sHaDoWMaN's latest posts
31st May 2013, 17:40
Esta buena la idea, pero ... no tienen mas ventaja los que elijan la zona con soga? digo, porque hay más armas aéreas que del lado izquierdo.
Esta buena la idea, pero ... no tienen mas ventaja los que elijan la zona con soga? digo, porque hay más armas aéreas que del lado izquierdo.
27th June 2013, 21:14
btw i've more than 1 to do ;)
btw i've more than 1 to do ;)
29th May 2013, 19:21
Actually there's a 'rebuild' of evangelion, Don, trying to fix all those holes of NGE.
Actually there's a 'rebuild' of evangelion, Don, trying to fix all those holes of NGE.
28th May 2013, 20:56
si la tengo es porque uso antel como medio uruguay xd
si la tengo es porque uso antel como medio uruguay xd
25th May 2013, 00:16
you're NOT string D:
you're NOT string D:
21st May 2013, 17:45
soo.... what's the best jet pack map??? mean, I haven't any idea about how to make one so i need a little guide lol. May remix skum's one D: Sorry neodyme for this chat xd Nice map btw ^^
soo.... what's the best jet pack map??? mean, I haven't any idea about how to make one so i need a little guide lol. May remix skum's one D: Sorry neodyme for this chat xd Nice map btw ^^
20th May 2013, 18:30
oopss, didnt see that msg :$ I only see sad faces, is that bad?? xDD
oopss, didnt see that msg :$ I only see sad faces, is that bad?? xDD
17th May 2013, 00:08
Era muy lerdo el ropeo en el otro, por eso lo achiqué un poco. Here is dude, didn't delete it ;D #23364 , i felt baad when roping in those big spaces
Era muy lerdo el ropeo en el otro, por eso lo achiqué un poco. Here is dude, didn't delete it ;D #23364 , i felt baad when roping in those big spaces
20th May 2013, 18:14
Just to keep them to userc if he ever think delete them
Just to keep them to userc if he ever think delete them
15th May 2013, 17:46
ops my bad... Wanted to make it bigger, I was out of ideas
ops my bad... Wanted to make it bigger, I was out of ideas