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stringking's latest posts
21st March 2016, 17:42
you think he used a thumbnail instead of the image? teehee
you think he used a thumbnail instead of the image? teehee
6th March 2016, 19:46
why ChristMas?
why ChristMas?
29th February 2016, 17:08
he means this: "moderators ratings are a joke sometimes. more often than not"
he means this: "moderators ratings are a joke sometimes. more often than not"
4th April 2015, 22:47
6th March 2015, 21:33
This is awesome looking. Nice job
This is awesome looking. Nice job
22nd January 2015, 17:55
Dude you are so close to making killer maps but the colors just keep clashing and the elements just don't coordinate very well. Level of detail is great man, nothin' wrong with that. Layout...
Dude you are so close to making killer maps but the colors just keep clashing and the elements just don't coordinate very well. Level of detail is great man, nothin' wrong with that. Layout...
26th December 2014, 21:39
Terrible example! His are cleaned up. You can tell he sprinkled a bit of care on each of them whereas you didn't even wipe after you finished
Terrible example! His are cleaned up. You can tell he sprinkled a bit of care on each of them whereas you didn't even wipe after you finished
17th December 2014, 00:23
aweeeeesome. Dude I have an absurd amount of snowy/winter sprites - well, sprites in general (1gig worth!). I need to give them to someone who will make something with them! They are all taken from...
aweeeeesome. Dude I have an absurd amount of snowy/winter sprites - well, sprites in general (1gig worth!). I need to give them to someone who will make something with them! They are all taken from...
Downloads: 129
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Adult
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Adult
29th November 2014, 08:20
7th November 2014, 23:56
Great stuff man. Love the swim openings down there! Why don't you make more of these dude!?? You know everyone would be playing them - Back when I played I loved the angry birds maps. You need...
Great stuff man. Love the swim openings down there! Why don't you make more of these dude!?? You know everyone would be playing them - Back when I played I loved the angry birds maps. You need...