Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
D1KSQu4D's latest posts
16th March 2010, 22:33
21 downloads already holy shit...
21 downloads already holy shit...
16th March 2010, 22:32
16th March 2010, 08:33
n map how did u make this?
n map how did u make this?
16th March 2010, 01:48
haha ladybugs..
haha ladybugs..
15th March 2010, 04:19
it was and i dont think its too blocky..but i made the squares smaller
it was and i dont think its too blocky..but i made the squares smaller
12th March 2010, 19:39
yeah you spelled my name wrong..but ty for the remix
yeah you spelled my name wrong..but ty for the remix
9th March 2010, 07:10
9th March 2010, 03:09
smaller sprites and less bevel and emboss might look better..
smaller sprites and less bevel and emboss might look better..
8th March 2010, 07:22
8th March 2010, 07:19
y isnt this map private anymore? can u make private plz?
y isnt this map private anymore? can u make private plz?