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D1KSQu4D's latest posts
14th April 2010, 02:09
very boring lookin...
very boring lookin...
13th April 2010, 18:54
do more stuff with your maps rather then the same boring stuff. it's just beveled and embossed with a pattern overlay.. try for more then i pattern and maybe a picture or try some different eff...
do more stuff with your maps rather then the same boring stuff. it's just beveled and embossed with a pattern overlay.. try for more then i pattern and maybe a picture or try some different eff...
12th April 2010, 20:21
but the map is golden colored with stairs....i get its green but doesnt look like grass..he coulda went with green machine or greenlands or something..
but the map is golden colored with stairs....i get its green but doesnt look like grass..he coulda went with green machine or greenlands or something..
11th April 2010, 20:45
ew anime!
ew anime!
8th April 2010, 05:40
hmmm..reminds me of some shitty asteroid rain map
hmmm..reminds me of some shitty asteroid rain map
6th April 2010, 00:42
no..elmo isnt as cool..
no..elmo isnt as cool..
5th April 2010, 22:56
yeah u cant play shoppa on this..
yeah u cant play shoppa on this..
5th April 2010, 20:26
not bad for a first map but your images look terrible nice other then that
not bad for a first map but your images look terrible nice other then that
4th April 2010, 22:20
i hate when u make all the walls the same length but one..maybe make the other one like the other 3..
i hate when u make all the walls the same length but one..maybe make the other one like the other 3..