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DonMega's latest posts

Downloads: 286
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Original

28th May 2021, 08:10

A few still make great towers. Good job man.
Downloads: 154
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: None

28th May 2021, 08:04

Not as crazy as I had hoped ;)
Downloads: 219
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: None

28th May 2021, 07:55

Missed this due to busyness. Got them facts right! Great homage to the last President US had.
Downloads: 487
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: None

21st April 2020, 12:07

Lee didn't call JKD a style per se, but rather a personal philosophy. And the style he developed was Jun Fan Kung Fu. Anyway what an Awesome tribute for the great one. And the 2nd map as well!
Downloads: 561
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Features: Good graphics

21st April 2020, 11:55

Sweet! And well named map too, cos it's all pretty hysterical imo.
Downloads: 293
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics

21st April 2020, 11:53

Wow that's some of the best looking maps I've seen for a while. The dithering although it adds to the style it looks a bit aggressive on some parts and doesn't do it justice. You could ...
Downloads: 390
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Features: Good graphics

21st April 2020, 11:47

Sweet map. Gotta try it out online when I get to come around again :P
Downloads: 201
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: None

2nd February 2018, 18:03

gj with the optical illusions. i thought about that too some time ago, but you clearly beat me to the idea :)
Downloads: 113
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative

15th March 2017, 01:52

nice. an old school style rope race tower. keep up improving on your designs and nvm those tags :)
Downloads: 123
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Sprites

25th January 2017, 09:41

still going on strong i see!
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