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DonMega's latest posts
3rd April 2012, 04:10
"too random" could also be considered "varying obstacles" which is only a positive thing ;)
"too random" could also be considered "varying obstacles" which is only a positive thing ;)
3rd April 2012, 03:57
lol map
lol map
2nd April 2012, 22:58
based on the boomrace sprites? lol i think u mean "bomberman sprites"
based on the boomrace sprites? lol i think u mean "bomberman sprites"
2nd April 2012, 22:32
a scheme would be nice. since it's supposedly different from normal boom race
a scheme would be nice. since it's supposedly different from normal boom race
2nd April 2012, 22:30
interesting only 7 downloads. i think it's pretty cool map. rather original as well as far it's looks goes
interesting only 7 downloads. i think it's pretty cool map. rather original as well as far it's looks goes
2nd April 2012, 22:22
eww, wwp maps are the worst
eww, wwp maps are the worst
2nd April 2012, 22:21
it seems a fine map, but i wish u kept faithful to the layout of the original game, like make the map advancing only right +up/down a bit in a true sidescroller fashion, and not left and up/down so...
it seems a fine map, but i wish u kept faithful to the layout of the original game, like make the map advancing only right +up/down a bit in a true sidescroller fashion, and not left and up/down so...
30th March 2012, 22:00
lol very helpful bug report javito. didn't bother to mention where is this bug located at! motherfucker! lol
lol very helpful bug report javito. didn't bother to mention where is this bug located at! motherfucker! lol
30th March 2012, 21:49
wtf is this "action"? no scheme or explanation. thanks a bunch lol
wtf is this "action"? no scheme or explanation. thanks a bunch lol
29th March 2012, 20:02
imagine if someone used prod on this map.. :P
imagine if someone used prod on this map.. :P