Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
PePaR's latest posts
2nd February 2018, 07:44
wow, that looks like a super cool scheme.
wow, that looks like a super cool scheme.
5th June 2017, 08:40
Love the graphics, looks like a great layout aswell
Love the graphics, looks like a great layout aswell
26th December 2016, 02:25
For you. :D
For you. :D
19th December 2016, 00:46
8th November 2016, 20:30
Looks like a really fun map to shopper on, for wxw players also.
Looks like a really fun map to shopper on, for wxw players also.
19th September 2016, 03:27
Looks pretty fun this, cool graphics too, be nice to play this sometime.
Looks pretty fun this, cool graphics too, be nice to play this sometime.
21st October 2015, 20:40
Thanks. Youre welcome to make a remix map, I probably wont edit this one.
Thanks. Youre welcome to make a remix map, I probably wont edit this one.
16th October 2015, 20:55
Its a place to hide.
Its a place to hide.
10th January 2014, 04:47
I havnt played the other maps. #5114 looks different.
I havnt played the other maps. #5114 looks different.
6th September 2013, 16:38
i agree with you. i look at other maps recently posted, and think they deserve gg, they do look more visually pleasing compared to mine. to be honest, i wish all my maps were set to none.
i agree with you. i look at other maps recently posted, and think they deserve gg, they do look more visually pleasing compared to mine. to be honest, i wish all my maps were set to none.
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