Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
Skum's latest posts
13th August 2013, 07:12
they probably just forgot about this map :/ there is nothing to think and do about it - just put all the 3 tags and go continue resting.
they probably just forgot about this map :/ there is nothing to think and do about it - just put all the 3 tags and go continue resting.
8th September 2013, 15:36
aaaaaaaah, no problem0 but i am still in a deep depression because i didn't save this map's psd ;(
aaaaaaaah, no problem0 but i am still in a deep depression because i didn't save this map's psd ;(
6th August 2013, 09:13
what do u mean?
what do u mean?
13th August 2013, 16:42
better to say 'ignoring' (or 'forgetting'?) islands xDD
better to say 'ignoring' (or 'forgetting'?) islands xDD
9th August 2013, 20:36
which ones?
which ones?
3rd August 2013, 15:11
"we need more bass and less bull-shit in this world" - Then why did u post this map?
"we need more bass and less bull-shit in this world" - Then why did u post this map?
31st July 2013, 20:07
only for u, maybe.. xd u just seems prefer rainbowed maps..
only for u, maybe.. xd u just seems prefer rainbowed maps..
8th March 2014, 10:48
да, он mуdаk, оскорбляющий многих своими оценками, и это правда, и здесь ты ничего с ним не поделаешь, ибо он "...
да, он mуdаk, оскорбляющий многих своими оценками, и это правда, и здесь ты ничего с ним не поделаешь, ибо он "...
12th September 2013, 18:16
"This mas made by a russian" lol, that sentence proves that all xD didn't you check all that shit you wrote there?
"This mas made by a russian" lol, that sentence proves that all xD didn't you check all that shit you wrote there?
31st July 2013, 13:32
but still "the better wxw map is, the more likely it will get unimaginative" >.<
but still "the better wxw map is, the more likely it will get unimaginative" >.<