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Wormwarrior's latest posts
16th March 2010, 00:53
obrigado ^^ (thank's for non-portuguese)
obrigado ^^ (thank's for non-portuguese)
13th March 2010, 21:35
12th March 2010, 21:30
7th March 2010, 05:05
i don't like shopper and wxw but i like urs maps gj!
i don't like shopper and wxw but i like urs maps gj!
5th March 2010, 07:51
sure ^^ but warming on this maps make mo easy to rope on normal maps ^^
sure ^^ but warming on this maps make mo easy to rope on normal maps ^^
4th March 2010, 19:02
lol i think the name of the author is not very important ^^ but thx
lol i think the name of the author is not very important ^^ but thx
17th March 2010, 03:32
eu vo te insinar se quizeres, o meu portuguese nao esta muito bem, mais no meu message, eu diso tens que usar the blending option, no photoshop, mais primero tens que aprender a usar photoshop, olh...
eu vo te insinar se quizeres, o meu portuguese nao esta muito bem, mais no meu message, eu diso tens que usar the blending option, no photoshop, mais primero tens que aprender a usar photoshop, olh...
5th April 2010, 00:50
ty xD
ty xD
3rd March 2010, 12:44
i don't understand all but thx lol ^^
i don't understand all but thx lol ^^
2nd March 2010, 17:24
hey thx, kay i'll try to do map of other shemes, thx for comments ppl, peace ^^
hey thx, kay i'll try to do map of other shemes, thx for comments ppl, peace ^^