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kClown's latest posts
13th November 2010, 02:48
map = boring... too spread out... maybe too big... boring game play.
map = boring... too spread out... maybe too big... boring game play.
10th November 2010, 21:52
big ups! vn.
big ups! vn.
Downloads: 88
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed, Adult
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed, Adult
10th November 2010, 21:48
but... but... Worms ITSELF has shooting and blood.... maybe not this graphic but shooting and blood just the same...
but... but... Worms ITSELF has shooting and blood.... maybe not this graphic but shooting and blood just the same...
10th November 2010, 21:45
agree with Alex... not a roper... dunno what it is... not a roper...
agree with Alex... not a roper... dunno what it is... not a roper...
5th November 2010, 21:25
you have never played ssr... admit it... you dont deserve your status, nooby dooby doo! xD
you have never played ssr... admit it... you dont deserve your status, nooby dooby doo! xD
11th November 2010, 12:59
its a jetpack race! xD
its a jetpack race! xD
1st November 2010, 15:44
so far, playing it, nothing has spawned there. you can collect crates through the pipes and its not TOO tight to rope anywhere... probably not good for flat out nooby but, I tested before uppin it....
so far, playing it, nothing has spawned there. you can collect crates through the pipes and its not TOO tight to rope anywhere... probably not good for flat out nooby but, I tested before uppin it....
31st October 2010, 14:17
tech support... over-nights... xD
tech support... over-nights... xD
23rd September 2008, 22:11
both nice. this one is better looking. fresh!
both nice. this one is better looking. fresh!
23rd September 2008, 22:10
nice map. lol - good eye!
nice map. lol - good eye!