Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
kClown's latest posts
17th May 2008, 20:17
map = sexy.
map = sexy.
16th May 2008, 08:58
dude, map = dope.
dude, map = dope.
4th March 2009, 14:32
you can get it
you can get it
2nd April 2008, 04:40
I think I was crazier with the color twisting than the text. xD
I think I was crazier with the color twisting than the text. xD
1st April 2008, 01:11
haha! right on guys! right on! xD
haha! right on guys! right on! xD
29th March 2008, 19:07
doben - i actually pulled this stuff out of the sega game "flashback" so its not too great to begin with. but I know what youre sayin.. the middle part.. I applied a pallet to that and lost a huge ...
doben - i actually pulled this stuff out of the sega game "flashback" so its not too great to begin with. but I know what youre sayin.. the middle part.. I applied a pallet to that and lost a huge ...
21st March 2008, 14:51
this is an old WARMER map and it looks exactly the same. map type: warmer.
this is an old WARMER map and it looks exactly the same. map type: warmer.
20th March 2008, 10:25
17th March 2008, 20:35
17th March 2008, 19:02
its missing a shameless crayon advertisement.
its missing a shameless crayon advertisement.