Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
Skum's latest posts
5th October 2013, 21:13
if u were such a big "iDon'tGiveaFuck"-er - you wouldn't upload the maps at wmdb at all. What for? you have the map, and if you want - ypu can share it with yo friends,, so what f...
if u were such a big "iDon'tGiveaFuck"-er - you wouldn't upload the maps at wmdb at all. What for? you have the map, and if you want - ypu can share it with yo friends,, so what f...
28th September 2013, 20:03
maybe Rodent is rA clan member?? Oo
maybe Rodent is rA clan member?? Oo
27th September 2013, 17:08
sHaDoW-fucking-MaN O.o
sHaDoW-fucking-MaN O.o
24th September 2013, 20:27
Fluffy chocolate?¿ oO WaT
Fluffy chocolate?¿ oO WaT
1st October 2013, 12:25
just improve ur mad skillz and be the designer xd
just improve ur mad skillz and be the designer xd
24th September 2013, 11:01
as for me - yea, iT iS ok for all awkward ctrlC+ctrlV maps.. -.-
as for me - yea, iT iS ok for all awkward ctrlC+ctrlV maps.. -.-
23rd September 2013, 20:53
this1 is original, becuae this1 is unimaginative #14347 isnt it obviously? xd
this1 is original, becuae this1 is unimaginative #14347 isnt it obviously? xd
23rd September 2013, 12:48
how the cells here are so wide? Oo
how the cells here are so wide? Oo
23rd September 2013, 15:53
better try the real life art xd
better try the real life art xd
22nd September 2013, 14:25
why that map #11597 got all the cookies, but this1, which was actually harder to make and looks no way worse, got shit?
why that map #11597 got all the cookies, but this1, which was actually harder to make and looks no way worse, got shit?