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kuvasz's latest posts
11th October 2010, 11:11
I wasn't talking about graphics... o.O
I wasn't talking about graphics... o.O
Downloads: 87
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed, Adult
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed, Adult
9th October 2010, 16:40
Beause stick people with odd hairstyles and dildos offend me.
Beause stick people with odd hairstyles and dildos offend me.
4th October 2010, 21:22
Clearly there aren't any sprites in this map.
Clearly there aren't any sprites in this map.
4th October 2010, 17:54
Haha this map keeps getting and losing the clumsy feature. Make up your minds reviewers :p
Haha this map keeps getting and losing the clumsy feature. Make up your minds reviewers :p
3rd October 2010, 21:42
This game is literally the best horror game I've ever played, and I haven't finished it yet. But these elemenets don't look too well when used as sprites, and the layout itself isn'...
This game is literally the best horror game I've ever played, and I haven't finished it yet. But these elemenets don't look too well when used as sprites, and the layout itself isn'...
3rd October 2010, 23:36
Make a wmdb forum and we'll move all discussions there. But until then...
Make a wmdb forum and we'll move all discussions there. But until then...
30th September 2010, 16:04
Lei, we can has bad grammar regardless. The map, it is different and has a nice and childish feeling to it but there's more to mapping :)
Lei, we can has bad grammar regardless. The map, it is different and has a nice and childish feeling to it but there's more to mapping :)
29th September 2010, 19:11
They're not your textures. And I doubt he cut them from your map since the colours and the parts are different.
They're not your textures. And I doubt he cut them from your map since the colours and the parts are different.
29th September 2010, 14:55
See, now this is an original wxw. If you added more hides, filled the bottom-right with the pattern and made it top cavern it'd be a nice piece.
See, now this is an original wxw. If you added more hides, filled the bottom-right with the pattern and made it top cavern it'd be a nice piece.
28th September 2010, 21:46
Hope you elaborated on why you think it isn't appropriate. The layout sure is unimaginative and I'm not seeing any hides.
Hope you elaborated on why you think it isn't appropriate. The layout sure is unimaginative and I'm not seeing any hides.